The California Jazz Foundation
The California Jazz Foundation is a charitable, nonprofit organization created to aid and assist California jazz musicians in financial or medical crisis. Established in 2006, the Foundation was formed to fulfill an unmet critical need to help these talented artists who have given us so much pleasure over the years – often with so little reward. The California Jazz Foundation is committed to providing access to quality social and economic services for all eligible applicants. We do so through a team of caring, knowledgeable professionals in collaboration with community partners.

The i am project, was created as a non-profit organization to bolster artistic creativity in jazz, elevate awareness, fashion experiential learning opportunities and preserve genius. Our vision is to present young, emerging and established jazz musicians in alternative spaces, thus engaging and enriching our communities across demographic identities. Our collaboration with art galleries, community centers and other partnerswill illuminate the global conversation of human similarities amongst artistic and creative like-minded patrons.