The Jazz Voyager
As I depart a wonderful stay in Amsterdam and shipping my purchases home, The Jazz Voyager leaves for Vienna, the city that has strongly identified with the masters classical music – Haydn, Mozart, Strauss but now very much appreciates the likes of of jazz musicians Charlie Parker and Duke Ellington. It’s all done at Porgy & Bess, the modern club located at Riemergasse 11, 1010 Wien, Austria.
Boasting ambience of a state-of-the-art mini concert hall, and room for 350 it has been designed to present top players to maximum advantage. The crowd at Porgy is respectful and attentive and an evening here is a pleasurable and comfortable experience – depending on who’s playing. A wide variety of top-of-the-range jazz is booked, from dazzling jazz and Latin musicians to the dark experimental broodings of central European virtuosi.
As with the name, the owners understand that jazz is historically defined as Afro-American music and innovative pulses still come from the “motherland of jazz”. These are two great reasons why the great American soloists of the music on the one hand, and the future generations on the other, are given programmatic consideration.
Admission about €20 with music every night, though the venue takes a summer break between mid-July and end of August. Reservations are advised at +43 1 512 8811. #wannabewhereyouare
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