The Jazz Voyager

The Jazz Voyager is heading back to the City of Brotherly Love to pay a visit to the South, a kitchen and jazz parlor located at 600 N Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Located at the edge of Century City, this intimate spot features white wood throughout giving it a rustic atmosphere to the ambiance.

Seating for jazz begins at 5:30PM where the full dinner menu and bar menus are available before and during the show. Looking forward to noshing on some Southern cuisine of skillet cornbread, fried green tomatoes or deviled eggs while watching tap dancer Michela Marino Lerman perform to jazz.

For more information about specific dates and performances, please visit the Jazz Line-Up Page of their website at For ticketed shows, you will be prompted to select a time then guided through the process of purchasing the tickets. Please note that tickets are non-refundable and for other information, call 215-600-0220.


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