Jazz Poems


For Louis Armstrong, Steve Cannon, Miles Davis & Eugene Redmond

with the music up high

boogaloo bass down way way low

up & under eye come slidin on in mojoin

on in spacin on in on a riff

full of rain

riffin on in full of rain & pain

spacin on in on a sound like coltrane

my metaphor is a blues

hot pain dealin blues is a blues axin

guitar voices whiskey broken niggah deep

in the heart is a blues in a glass filled with rain

is a blues in the dark

slurred voices of straight bourbon

is a blues dagger stuck off in the heart

of night moanin blike bessie smith

is a blues filling up the wings

of darkness is a blues

& looking through the heart

a dream can become a raindrop window to see through

can become a window to see through this moment

to see yourself hanging around the dark

to see through

can become a river catching rain

feeding time can become a window

to see through

Quincy Troupe

from Jazz Poems ~ Selected and Edited by Kevin Young


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