Hollywood On 52nd Street

Never Let Me Go is a song composed and written by Jay Livingston and Ray Evans, that was performed by Nat King Cole in the 1956 American crime drama film, The Scarlet Hour. The movie was directed and produced by Michael Curtiz. The film stars Carol Ohmart, Tom Tryon, Jody Lawrance and Elaine Stritch. The screenplay was based on the story “The Kiss Off” by Frank Tashlin.

The Story

E. V. Marshall, known to all as “Marsh,” works for wealthy real-estate businessman Ralph Nevins and is having an affair with Ralph’s unhappy wife, Paulie. Not wanting to struggle Paulie refuses Marsh’s plea to get a divorce and live without her husband’s money.

Overhearing thieves planning a jewelry heist of the home of a doctor named Lynbury, Paulie pleads with Marsh to rob the jewels from the thieves as they leave the doctor’s house. Suspicious of his wife, Nevins follows, catches them in the act, and gets shot by Paulie. However, Marsh thinks that the thieves shot Nevins.

The police investigation reveals that Dr. Lynbury masterminded the burglary of his own home to collect insurance money after having replaced his wife’s jewels with worthless fakes. Police eventually place Lynbury under arrest and Paulie as well, with Marsh’s cooperation.


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