Daily Dose Of Jazz…

Takeshi Ogura was born on June 17, 1962 in Tokyo, Japan. He initially studied piano and trumpet before switching to the guitar. Moving to New York City at 26, he studied jazz guitar with be-bop guitar pioneer Chuck Wayne while attending The College of Staten Island in the Eighties. There he studied harmony and composition with Dr. Joseph Scianni. For ten years he was active on the New York jazz scene, then life caught up with him and he quit playing.

Takeshi got back to playing guitar in 2001 and has steadily built a reputation as a versatile and expressive player. Taking up residence in the Bronx, he often appears around the city with his jazz trio playing his compositions and unique arrangements of jazz standards. Since 2009 he regulary performs at The Bass Line in Mt. Vernon, New York.

He has shared stage performances with Duke Jones, Norman Connors, Sean Smith, Scott Fragala, Tyrone Govan, John Cooksey, John Fumasoli, James “Sugar Bear” Skelton, Jr., Art Bennett, Jasper Cain, Bill Crow, Seiji Ochiai, Dwayne Purdue, and Hiroshi Yamazaki.

Guitarist Takeshi Ogura, who has never led a recording session, continues to support this local and regional jazz scene with his trio and funk-jazz band New Project, along with Alan Eicher, Rondew Monroe and Greg Brown.

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