Daily Dose Of Jazz…

Reuben “River” Reeves was born in Evansville, Indiana on October 25, 1905 and started out playing locally in the Midwest before moving to New York City in 1924. The next year he moved to Chicago, Illinois and by 1926 joined Erskine Tate’s orchestra, then played with Fess Williams and Dave Peyton by the end of the decade. While in Chicago he took lessons from a German trumpet player, Albert Cook, who played in the Chicago Symphony.

While playing at the Regal Theater in 1929, Peyton featured Reuben, his hot trumpet player, on a night where Louis Armstrong had a gig across the street at the Savoy, to outdo the latter which didn’t work. Signed to Vocalion he recorded as a bandleader with his groups the Tributaries and the River Boys. His sidemen were his brother, trombonist Gerald Reeves, and clarinetist Omer Simeon and in 1929, twenty sides were recorded in 1929.

He played under Cab Calloway in the early Thirties, and recorded again with the River Boys in 1933. He toured as a leader for two years from 1933 to 1935, then played freelance through the late 1930s. During World War II, he led an Army band called the Jungleers. Stationed at the Army Jungle Training Center on the northeast coast of Oahu, Hawaii. There they were popular participants in Battle of the Band competitions that were an integral part of the extraordinary music scene in Hawaii during the war.

After the war, he played in Harry Dial’s Blusicians in 1946. Trumpeter and bandleader Reuben Reeves, whose entire output as a bandleader has been released to a single compact disc by RST Records, passed away in September 1975 in New York City.


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