Daily Dose Of Jazz…

Jimmy Strong was born August 29, 1906 in Chicago, Illinois. As a teenage clarinetist he performed in Lottie Hightower’s Nighthawks. Around 1925, he did a national tour with a traveling revue and stayed in California for a time, freelancing with several groups.

Returning to Chicago he joined Carroll Dickerson’s orchestra, where he worked with Louis Armstrong, appearing on Armstrong’s Hot Fives recordings. In 1928, he also worked briefly with Clifford King. The 1930s saw him playing with Cassino Simpson, Zinky Cohn, and Jimmie Noone, as well as his own bands.

Around 1940 relocating to Jersey City, New Jersey he performed with local bands until his death. Clarinetist and tenor saxophonist Jimmy Strong transitioned in April 1977.


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