Daily Dose Of Jazz…
Mike Metheny was born August 28, 1949 in Lee’s Summit, Missouri and studied music education at the University of Missouri School of Music and Northeast Missouri State University, then played trumpet in the U.S. Army Field Band, Washington D.C. from 1971 to 1974. After his discharge he went to Boston, Massachusetts and became an adjunct lecturer and assistant to the head of the trumpet department at the Berklee College of Music for seven years beginning in 1976.
From 1978 to 1989 Metheny led his own quartet in Boston, and in 1988 he was named Outstanding Brass Player at the annual Boston Music Awards. His debut album was released in 1982 and followed that with eleven more and produced two records with major labels to mixed reviews. Since 2000, his albums have been produced on his own record label, 3 Valve Music.
Mike’s career in music journalism has seen him as editor for Kansas City’s Jazz Ambassador Magazine (JAM) from 1994 to 2003 and has contributed to KC Magazine, Jazziz, and The DaCapo Jazz & Blues Lover’s Guide to the U.S.
He continues to perform primarily in Kansas and Missouri, playing a trumpet synthesizern electronic valve instrument (EVI). With his brother Pat they set up the Metheny Music Foundation with Mike serving as the chairman.
Flugelhornist and trumpeter Mike Metheny, who published the anthology Old Friends Are the Best Friends: the Letters of John McKee and Mike Metheny, continues to perform and record.
More Posts: flugelhorn,history,instrumental,jazz,music,trumpet