Three Wishes

Freddie Hubbard told Pannonica that if given his three wishes would be: 

    1. “Happiness.”

    2. “Musical success. ”

    3. “I can’t get that third one. I’m trying to find that third one. I know I want a baby.”

*Excerpt from Three Wishes: An Intimate Look at Jazz Greats ~ Compiled and Photographed by Pannonica de Koenigswarter


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Three Wishes

When the Baroness inquired of Ira Jackson what his three wishes were and he replied:

    1. “My wishes have nothing to do with my music, directly. This has puzzled me all my life. I wish I could make a trip through the entire universe. I’d like to find the key to the univeerse, how it all started, what it is really. What is this? That’s be my first wish.”

    2. “And then, the second, I… since I have to live on this planet, I wish there was peace here. That’s about all for the second wish. ”

    3. “I just wish I could use all of my mind, all of my potential I’m working on that anyway. Like one works on scales, you know? You can practice using it. That’s what it would be.”

*Excerpt from Three Wishes: An Intimate Look at Jazz Greats ~ Compiled and Photographed by Pannonica de Koenigswarter


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Three Wishes

Nica asked Dakota Staton what her three wishes were and she said she only had two and they were:

    1. “One would be that the hearts of men would change. That they could love one anothe rin peace~live with good in their hearts, so that they can meet their God squarely. That is my main wish. I think if I could have that, that would take care of everything else that I was wanting.”

    2. “Freedom! I’d be free. A woman among women!”

*Excerpt from Three Wishes: An Intimate Look at Jazz Greats ~ Compiled and Photographed by Pannonica de Koenigswarter


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Three Wishes

On the day that Percy Heath was questioned by Pannonica as to what his three wishes would be he said:

    1. “I would like to be able to travel to another planet.”

    2. “To find something to do when I get there.”

    3. “To know how to get back again.”

*Excerpt from Three Wishes: An Intimate Look at Jazz Greats ~ Compiled and Photographed by Pannonica de Koenigswarter


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Three Wishes

The Baroness inquired of Stanley Turrentine what his three wishes would be if was to be given and his response was:

    1. “Health.”

    2. “For my children to have a chance in life.”

    3. “Success in my music.”

*Excerpt from Three Wishes: An Intimate Look at Jazz Greats ~ Compiled and Photographed by Pannonica de Koenigswarter


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